September 13, 2021

Name: Tina Chantrey

Nickname: shewhodaresruns

Location: South coast, in lovely Hampshire

I run because…I have three children. If you do too, you’ll understand. I also find freedom in the great outdoors.

AM or PM runner: Has to be anytime, but AM is getting much harder as I get older!

I run solo, with partner, pet or club: I coach my group on Fridays, which is a lovely group of people from my running club, mainly women and mums who struggle like me to run in the evenings due to family commitments. Mostly on my own the rest of the week.

I run on trails, in my park, by the sea or in the city: Trails, along the sea, up Butser on the South Downs Way; I’m happiest on hills and through mud.

When running I wear: All brands, however I always wear sunglasses, usually a visor (or headband in the winter) and my Flipbelt with my phone.

Favourite tunes whilst running / training: I tend to get addicted to whatever is current on Capital FM as my girls listen to this station 24/7.

Favourite distance and why: probably 10 miles or half marathon as they don’t require too much training.

Favourite race event and why: usually the last one I did, which was a new American 24-hour relay event in a team of 10, from Maidstone to Brighton, called Ragnar Relay. It was a very different way to spend a weekend.

Favourite food: leftovers that you haven’t had to prepare.

Guilty pleasures: Cake, especially doughnuts.

Favourite race fuel: Home-made flapjacks made by daughter #2 Amelie

Running hero or athlete: Daley Thompson

Favourite running or motivational quote: “Running is the answer. The question is irrelevant.” Anon

Favourite running book, guide or magazine: Can I say my own? I have a new book out: The Divorce Survival Guide: How running turned my life around. It explains how running saved my life, and gives readers a six-step plan to start their own running regime.

Tip for newbie runners: Start slower than you think you should, don’t rush the first three to four weeks, so that you enjoy each run rather finishing feeling disappointed with what you did.

My running goals are: Never stop (and also trying to keep setting PBs as I get older).

Why I wear my run angel: I often run alone on the trails in the hills and want that extra layer of security, just in case I fall and hurt myself or am in need of help.

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