June 13, 2021

Introducing: Katie O’Donoghue (our run angel cover model!)

Nickname: Kitty Kat (or so my friends used to call me!)

Location: Cork, Ireland

I run because… I love the endorphins and energy I get from it, it’s like a stress release!

AM or PM runner: Definitely a morning runner. It gets me set up for the day and knowing I’ve gotten my exercise done early puts me in a great mood but recently, I’ve had to train in the middle of the afternoon with work and college commitments.

I run solo, with partner, pet or club: Solo, always! I don’t think I could keep up with my boyfriend if I was to run with him and clubs intimidate me too much. I like to have fun when I run and really enjoy being ‘in the zone' or zoned out even.

I run on trails, in my park, by the sea or in the city: When I get the chance, I run on trails but recently I’ve become a treadmill junkie with the weather changing – the dark mornings can be quite eerie but having my run angel gives me the option to run on trails without feeling on edge any more too!

When running I wear: All black – long length leggings, a breathable vest top or my cool run angel tee, a breathable zip up and of course, my run angel and nikes!

Favourite tunes whilst running / training: Anything that has a good beat, something to motivate you to keep pushing on!

Favourite distance and why: 5k – three times a week when I have the time. I don’t have the motivation to push myself to go longer distances just yet.

Favourite race event and why: Pieta House Darkness into Light, although it’s not a race event it’s for such a great cause. The atmosphere is unique compared to other events - I’ve ran it before and I’d run it again because it’s just a well organised event and Pieta House definitely needs all the support it can get. Mental health is just as important as physical health nowadays.

Favourite food: Chicken curry, but it has to have a bit of spice to it!

Guilty pleasures: Popcorn and chocolate! Sunday night is my cheat night so you can be guaranteed I’ll be having it then.

Favourite race fuel: Anything carb loaded, I’ll need energy to burn.

Favourite running or motivational quote: “It never gets easier, you just get stronger!”

Favourite running book, guide or magazine: It’s not solely a running magazine but rather incorporates food, fitness, health, self and beauty into it – ‘Healthy Magazine’.

Tip for newbie runners: Ease yourself into it, don’t expect to run 10k on your first try and invest in a good pair of running shoes!

My running goals are: To keep at it and one day complete a marathon.

Why I wear my run angel: My run angel gives me that extra sense of security whether I’m off running in the morning on a remote trail or off travelling the globe and exploring unknown places. I like knowing that, if I got into trouble, all I need to do is sound my alarm and all my guardians will be able to get me the help I need!

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